Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bill Clinton, Who Are You Fooling?

Slate has a great article called "Why Bill Clinton is a Lousy Surrogate." Clinton has been doing the media rounds praising McCain in every interview. At times he literally goes on and on about how great McCain is. Clinton also has kind words for Sarah Palin. What's wrong with that? Nothing, except his praise for Barack Obama is ...well...half-assed. There I said it. 

Chris Rock even called out Bill Clinton on his lousy support. 

And today on Good Morning America Clinton defended McCain's request to postpone the presidential debate.  

"We know he didn't do it because he's afraid, because Sen. McCain wanted more debates,"Clinton said. "I presume he did that in good faith since I know he wanted -- I remember he asked for more debates to go all around the country and so I don't think we ought to overly parse that."

Is Bill Clinton passive-aggressively rooting for McCain so Hillary could run in 2012? That's the latest rumor out there. Whatever his reason is, he needs to do a better job at backing Obama and uniting the Democratic party. Go big or go home.

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