Monday, September 29, 2008

Hypocrisy At Its Best

McCain surrogate Nancy Pfotenhauer was on Fox & Friends discussing what Sarah Palin may be up against at the upcoming vice presidential debate. Here is what Pfotenhauer had to say:

"Obviously you can have a series of "gotcha" questions..."

Nancy, what exactly are gotcha questions? Are those the same as questions that any other experienced vice presidential candidate can easily answer? Or maybe those questions are similar to the series of "trapdoor questions" Katie Couric asked her. Yes, Pfotenhauer really thought those were "trapdoor questions." See the clip below.

"My guess is that they're going to go very heavily on foreign policy." She adds, "Normally on vice presidential debates you see a more even-handed approach, particularly with the challenges we're facing with the nation's economy. So I would hope the questions would be more even-handed"

Commentator Steve Doocy adds, " Nancy, it sounds like they're stacking the deck against her because everybody knows that's Joe Biden's, you know, that's his forte. Why wouldn't they ask half and half? The average person is more concerned with domestic stuff than foreign stuff anyway."

Now foreign policy isn't what people are concerned with? Isn't this the same camp that is slamming Obama for lack of foreign policy experience? And how is asking foreign policy questions to a vice presidential candidate "stacking the deck against her?" Obama didn't get the same luxury of not getting asked those questions.

"I think whoever, you know the moderator, will have some questions to answer themselves if they do go so heavily foreign policy."

If you have to ask the moderator to go easy on someone who may very possibly be the next president of the United States, that might be a problem.

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