Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bittersweet for Gay Americans

The election of Barack Obama brought hope to many Americans across the country. Unfortunately, Gay Americans weren't able to celebrate for too long as many ballot measures to ban gay marriage were passed in California, Arizona and Florida. Voters approved constitutional amendments recognizing marriage only as a union between one man and one woman. In Arkansas, a ballot measure to ban gay couple from adopting was also passed.

Ellen Degeneres said in a a statement Wednesday to The Associated Press that she, "like millions of Americans, felt like we had taken a giant step toward equality" by electing Barack Obama as president. DeGeneres says that with the passage of California's Proposition 8, "we took a giant step away."

Arizona Proposition 102: YES 1,063,937 56%
Ban on Gay Marriage NO 820,654 44%

Arkansas Initiative 1: YES 579,695 57%
Ban on Gay Couples              NO       437,720       43%
Adopting Children

California Proposition 8: YES 5,424,916 52%
Ban on Gay Marriage NO 4,932,086 48%

Florida Amendment 2: YES 4,745,322 62%
Ban on Gay Marriage NO 2,903,562 38%

Obama's Win Brings Optimism to People Around the World

The world's reaction to Obama's win is truly amazing. Many say it has renewed their faith in our country and some see it as a sign of a new America.

Here are some quotes from people around the world:

"Everyone wants to be an American, to share a little bit of the dream." - Government Minister in France

"Barack Obama has resurrected the American Dream." - German Newspaper

"I think the American people did the right thing." -Woman in Egypt

"Now I feel that my belief, my faith in America is my faith in Obama." Woman in Cuba

"We're always searching for a savior, maybe Obama can deliver peace." Palestinian Atist

"Your victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place" - Nelson Mandela to Obama

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Condi "Especially Proud" of Obama Win

Condoleezza Rice didn't openly endorse McCain, but had hinted that she would support him by repeatedly stressing that she is a Republican. Still, she's proud of the Obama victory and pledged a smooth transition. Teary eyed, she spoke to reporters during a briefing at the State Department.

"This was an exercise in American democracy of which Americans across the political spectrum are justifiably proud," she said.

"As an African-American, I'm especially proud, because this is a country that's been through a long journey, in terms of overcoming wounds and making race" less of a factor in life. "That work is not done, but yesterday was obviously an extraordinary step forward."

"One of the great things about representing this country is that it continues to surprise. It continues to renew itself. It continues to beat all odds and expectations."

Fox News: Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent

Dear America,

Thank you for not electing this woman.

From The Huffington Post:

According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, there was great concern within the McCain campaign that Palin lacked "a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency," in part because she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA, and she "didn't understand that Africa was a continent, rather than a series, a country just in itself."

Update--Watch Cameron on The O'Reilly Factor with more on the story.

Signs of Hope & Change: Election Night

I'm still reeling from the Grant Park rally.It was memorable on so many levels. Historic, Inspiring, Hope, Diversity, Unity, Change...I know it's cliche but all those words decribe last night's victory rally.

Before the First Family took stage last night,they showed a moving video called "Signs of Hope & Change." Watch the video below.

Below is video of Obama's victory speech in its entirety.

Yes We Did!

Barack Obama Elected President -- When those words flashed on the jumbotron at Obama's Grant Park rally, I, and many others, cried. The news is reporting that over 125,000 people crowded Grant Park. It seemed like at least a million. I'm not complaining, quite the opposite. The energy of the crowd was electrifying and the diversity, my god the diversity. White, black, hispanic, asian, disabled, young and old all came together to support and celebrate our next president of the United States. I'm so grateful to have witnessed such a historic event. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Last Volunteer Effort for Obama

Election Day is finally here. I already cast my vote last Thursday for Barack Obama. I just called my mom with one last attempt to sway her vote. Sure it's just one vote, but her one vote can make all the difference because she lives in Las Vegas. We all know that Nevada is a battleground state and if I can just get my parents to vote for Obama, well then I've done my part for the future of our country. They've voted Republican for over thirty years. They love George Bush and would have sadly voted for him again if he was running. My mom openly admits that John McCain does nothing for her. And don't get her started on Sarah Palin. She, like many others, thinks McCain's choice was stupid. Sure I've used dirty tricks... "Mom, if you really love me you'll vote for Obama." But strangely, I didn't have to sell Obama to her too hard. I think she sees that Obama will bring our country hope. I do believe my mom will "Barack" the vote.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Highlights from Campaign 2008

I can't believe this election is coming to an end. Rachel Maddow looked back at some of the funniest, weirdest and craziest moments of the "best campaign ever." Oh Hillary, you'll always be in my heart.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Dating Site for Married People?!?!?!

ESPN just aired a commerical for a dating site called It's for married people to cheat on their spouses. And no, it's not a SNL skit.

Watch the commercial below.

411 on Tuesday Night Obama Rally

Everyone here in Chicago knows to steer clear of downtown Tuesday due to Obama's election night rally. Mayor Daley is expecting an estimated 1 million people to show up. The Obama campaign's permit said there would be 65,000 ticketed guests and 7,500 media people and campaign workers at the official fenced area. The Chicago Tribune has a guide for those willing to brave the crowd.

Q. When will people arrive at Grant Park on Tuesday?

A. It's anyone's guess. The gates at the rally site don't open until 8:30 p.m., but crowds are likely to form many hours before that. A Loop business group urged offices to send workers home at 3 p.m. to avoid the growing crowds.

Q. Where will people congregate outside the official area?

A. Presumably, in the rest of Grant Park. But the city has not officially designated areas for the overflow crowd and has not ruled out turning people away if the park seems too crowded.

Q. What time will Obama give his victory or concession speech?

A. Probably not before the polls close in California at 10 p.m. Chicago time. Perhaps hours later.

Q. What happens if the electionoutcome is in doubt late into the night?

A. The permit application said "amplified sound" was planned until 1 a.m. Officials were mum on whether they would allow the crowd to wait past that hour. At this point, Metra is scheduled to end service at 1 a.m., and the CTA will run "until everyone has gotten home."

Q. What will security be like downtown?

A. Heavy. The Chicago Police Department has canceled days off for all officers, and Chicago firefighters have been asked to have their personal equipment with them at home. Even the U.S. Coast Guard will patrol in Burnham Harbor and on Lake Michigan.

Q. When will people who applied for tickets find out whether they got them? And when will those tickets arrive by e-mail?

A. The campaign has said they will arrive by e-mail on Monday.

Q. If I have a ticket, do I need a photo ID?

A. Yes. Your guest should bring one too, even though the directions from the obama campaign aren't clear on the matter yet.

Q. Do I need a photo ID if I don't have a ticket and am not guest heading for the ticketed portion of the rally?

A. The city hasn't required anyone outside the ticketed area to have a photo ID, and so far has said restrictions on bags, folding chairs and other items are "recommended," but not required.

Q. Can rally attendees bring a sign or banner?

A. Not in the fenced area. Also banned inside the main area are bags, chairs and strollers.

Q. Will there be concession stands?

A. Pizza and hot dogs will be sold in the secure area. Alcohol will not. The organizers' permit application said vendors would sell hot chocolate—a beverage chosen when no one could anticipate the 64-degree forecast at the rally's start.

Q. What's the weather report for Election night?

A. Here's the latest on what you can expect from WGN-TV's Tom Skilling: Sunny, windy and mild. Temperatures start out in the 50s and warm into the 70s by afternoon. Gusty south-southwest winds 15 to 25 m.p.h.

Obamapalooza and the VIP Guest List

Barack Obama is planning his election night rally in Chicago's Grant Park. It is a ticket only event and I'm one of the lucky ones to have scored one. 65,000 people are expected to be in attendance, along with 7,500 media people and campaign workers. Believe or not, I wasn't going to go to the rally due to safety reasons and my hate for huge crowds. But then I came to my senses and knew I would regret not going to such a historic event. Not to mention that I've obsessively followed this election for months now. 

Many in the media are calling the Obama rally "Obamapalooza." It's being held at Hutchinson Field, which also hosted Lollapalooza, and it's been reported that the Texas concert promoterswho put on Lollapalooza will be staging the rally.

Many have been wondering if Oprah Winfrey will be in attendance Tuesday night. Chicago is her hometown and she's been quite vocal for her support for Obama. Well CBS 2 has confirmed that she will be there, along with Samuel L. Jackson, Senator Dick Durbin, Mayor Dailey and host of local political figures.

Watch the CBS 2's report below:

Palin's Advice to Tina Fey

Sarah Palin kicked off a rally in Ohio this afternoon with a zing at Tina Fey, who has brilliantly played Palin with on Saturday Night Live for the last two months.

“Speaking of great performances, did anyone catch John McCain on ‘SNL’ last night?” Ms. Palin said, drawing cheers.“A little advice to Tina Fey,” Palin said. “I want to make sure she’s holding on to that Sarah outfit. Because she’s gonna need it in the next four years.”

According to an aide, Palin boarded her charter plane at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, just on time to watch the show, but the audio on her television wasn’t working.

The Plumber Won't Go Away

Joe the Plumber can't be muzzled. He was on Fox News questioning Obama's loyalty to America. This is the same guy who John McCain has called his "mentor," "an American Hero" and promises to bring him to Washington. You know McCain's desperate when he has this guy campaigning for him.

McCain and Palin (Fey) Do QVC

John McCain and his wife appeared on Saturday Night Live tonight. It was hilarious! McCain is actually a really funny guy. I'm quite surprised McCain approved the skit. Tina Fey as Palin was of course fantastic.

Dick Cheney Gives Obama an Early Christmas Gift

To the delight of Barack Obama, Dick Cheney has endorsed John McCain. 

"In three days we'll choose a new steward for the presidency and begin a new chapter in our history," the Vice President said Saturday morning. "It's the biggest decision that we make together as Americans. A lot turns on the outcome. I believe the right leader for this moment in history is Senator John McCain."

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Now why would Dick Cheney endorse McCain so close to election day? I don't see how this helps McCain, especially since he has tried so hard to differentiate himself from President George W. Bush. 

Obama was all over this endorsement.

According to prepared remarks for a rally in Pueblo, Colorado:

I'd like to congratulate Senator McCain on this endorsement because he really earned it. That endorsement didn't come easy. Senator McCain had to vote 90 percent of the time with George Bush and Dick Cheney to get it. He served as Washington's biggest cheerleader for going to war in Iraq, and supports economic policies that are no different from the last eight years. So Senator McCain worked hard to get Dick Cheney's support.

But here's my question for you, Colorado: do you think Dick Cheney is delighted to support John McCain because he thinks John McCain's going to bring change? Do you think John McCain and Dick Cheney have been talking about how to shake things up, and get rid of the lobbyists and the old boys club in Washington?

McCain Supporter Refuses to Give Halloween Candy To Children of Obama Supporters

This is not a joke... Kids in a Detroit suburb were upset after a McCain supporter refused to give them candy because they were the children of Obama supporters. Can't we put politics aside in the spirit of Halloween? They're just kids!

Watch the video below.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Those funny Canadians

Montreal comedy duo Marc-Antoine Audette and Sebastien Trudel prank called Sarah Palin and convinced her she was talking to French President Nicolas Sarkozy. 

The AP reports that Audette, posing as Sarkozy, speaks in an exaggerated French accent and drops ample hints that the conversation is a joke. But Palin seemingly does not pick up on them.

He tells Palin one of his favorite pastimes is hunting, also a passion of the 44-year-old Alaska governor.

"I just love killing those animals. Mmm, mmm, take away life, that is so fun," the fake Sarkozy says.

He proposes they go hunting together by helicopter, something he says he has never done.

"Well, I think we could have a lot of fun together while we're getting work done," Palin counters. "We can kill two birds with one stone that way."

The comedian jokes that they shouldn't bring Cheney along on the hunt, referring to the 2006 incident in which the vice-president shot and injured a friend while hunting quail.

"I'll be a careful shot," responds Palin.

When Audette refers to Canadian singer Steph Carse as Canada's prime minister, Palin replies: "Well, he's doing fine and yeah, when you come into a position underestimated it gives you an opportunity to prove the pundits and the critics wrong. You work that much harder." Canada's prime minister is Stephen Harper.

You can listen to the prank below. The call is set to air Monday on a Quebec radio station.

Palin campaign spokesman Tracy Schmitt confirmed the  prank call. 

"Governor Palin was mildly amused to learn that she had joined the ranks of heads of state, including President Sarkozy and other celebrities, in being targeted by these pranksters. C'est la vie," she said.

Obama's campaign spokesman Robert Gibbs, commenting on the prank, said: "I'm glad we check out our calls before we hand the phone to Barack Obama."

Oprah Does Early-Voting, Has a Voting Booth Meltdown

From The Huffington Post:

Oprah Winfrey announced on her live show Friday that she took advantage of Illinois' early-voting laws and voted Thursday in Chicago — but not without a voting booth scare and near emotional meltdown.

"I was worried that there's gonna be such long lines, and I have a live show," Winfrey said, justifying her decision to vote early.

She waited 72 minutes to vote, only to have a near-meltdown in the booth.

"When I voted yesterday electronically, the first vote that you vote for on the ballot is the presidential candidate. It was my first time doing electronic, so I didn't mark the X strong enough, or I held down too long. Because then when I went back to check it, it had not recorded my presidential vote," she said.

She then simulated her meltdown, shaking and breathing heavily while stuttering out the words, "It didn't record my presidential vote."

Watch the video here.

This Has Got To Hurt

John McCain has always said that one of his heroes is President Ronald Reagan. Unfortunately, a former Reagan adviser has endorsed Barack Obama.


Former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein told CNN's Fareed Zakaria this week he intends to vote for Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday.

Duberstein said he was influenced by another prominent Reagan official - Colin Powell - in his decision.

"Well let's put it this way - I think Colin Powell's decision is in fact the good housekeeping seal of approval on Barack Obama."

Powell served as national security advisor to Reagan during Duberstein's tenure as chief of staff.

To put more salt in the wound, Reagan's son Ron has also endorsed Barack Obama.

Friday, October 31, 2008

GOP Senator Warns Palin Supporters That Obama Wants Judges Who Empathize With "The Gay"

At a Sarah Palin rally yesterday in Rush Limbaugh’s hometown, Senator Kit Bond (R-Missouri) fired up the crowd by warning them about Barack Obama’s judicial philosophy.

“Just this past week, we saw what Barack Obama said about judges,” Bond said. “He said, ‘I’m tired of these judges who want to follow what the Founding Fathers said and the Constitution. I want judges who have a heart, have an empathy for the teenage mom, the minority, the gay, the disabled. We want them to show empathy. We want them to show compassion.’

So what's Senator Bond's point? Is he really using this to attack Obama? And isn't Sarah Palin's daughter a teenage mom?

You can read more on this here.

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