Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Last Volunteer Effort for Obama

Election Day is finally here. I already cast my vote last Thursday for Barack Obama. I just called my mom with one last attempt to sway her vote. Sure it's just one vote, but her one vote can make all the difference because she lives in Las Vegas. We all know that Nevada is a battleground state and if I can just get my parents to vote for Obama, well then I've done my part for the future of our country. They've voted Republican for over thirty years. They love George Bush and would have sadly voted for him again if he was running. My mom openly admits that John McCain does nothing for her. And don't get her started on Sarah Palin. She, like many others, thinks McCain's choice was stupid. Sure I've used dirty tricks... "Mom, if you really love me you'll vote for Obama." But strangely, I didn't have to sell Obama to her too hard. I think she sees that Obama will bring our country hope. I do believe my mom will "Barack" the vote.

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