Sunday, November 2, 2008

411 on Tuesday Night Obama Rally

Everyone here in Chicago knows to steer clear of downtown Tuesday due to Obama's election night rally. Mayor Daley is expecting an estimated 1 million people to show up. The Obama campaign's permit said there would be 65,000 ticketed guests and 7,500 media people and campaign workers at the official fenced area. The Chicago Tribune has a guide for those willing to brave the crowd.

Q. When will people arrive at Grant Park on Tuesday?

A. It's anyone's guess. The gates at the rally site don't open until 8:30 p.m., but crowds are likely to form many hours before that. A Loop business group urged offices to send workers home at 3 p.m. to avoid the growing crowds.

Q. Where will people congregate outside the official area?

A. Presumably, in the rest of Grant Park. But the city has not officially designated areas for the overflow crowd and has not ruled out turning people away if the park seems too crowded.

Q. What time will Obama give his victory or concession speech?

A. Probably not before the polls close in California at 10 p.m. Chicago time. Perhaps hours later.

Q. What happens if the electionoutcome is in doubt late into the night?

A. The permit application said "amplified sound" was planned until 1 a.m. Officials were mum on whether they would allow the crowd to wait past that hour. At this point, Metra is scheduled to end service at 1 a.m., and the CTA will run "until everyone has gotten home."

Q. What will security be like downtown?

A. Heavy. The Chicago Police Department has canceled days off for all officers, and Chicago firefighters have been asked to have their personal equipment with them at home. Even the U.S. Coast Guard will patrol in Burnham Harbor and on Lake Michigan.

Q. When will people who applied for tickets find out whether they got them? And when will those tickets arrive by e-mail?

A. The campaign has said they will arrive by e-mail on Monday.

Q. If I have a ticket, do I need a photo ID?

A. Yes. Your guest should bring one too, even though the directions from the obama campaign aren't clear on the matter yet.

Q. Do I need a photo ID if I don't have a ticket and am not guest heading for the ticketed portion of the rally?

A. The city hasn't required anyone outside the ticketed area to have a photo ID, and so far has said restrictions on bags, folding chairs and other items are "recommended," but not required.

Q. Can rally attendees bring a sign or banner?

A. Not in the fenced area. Also banned inside the main area are bags, chairs and strollers.

Q. Will there be concession stands?

A. Pizza and hot dogs will be sold in the secure area. Alcohol will not. The organizers' permit application said vendors would sell hot chocolate—a beverage chosen when no one could anticipate the 64-degree forecast at the rally's start.

Q. What's the weather report for Election night?

A. Here's the latest on what you can expect from WGN-TV's Tom Skilling: Sunny, windy and mild. Temperatures start out in the 50s and warm into the 70s by afternoon. Gusty south-southwest winds 15 to 25 m.p.h.

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