Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama's Win Brings Optimism to People Around the World

The world's reaction to Obama's win is truly amazing. Many say it has renewed their faith in our country and some see it as a sign of a new America.

Here are some quotes from people around the world:

"Everyone wants to be an American, to share a little bit of the dream." - Government Minister in France

"Barack Obama has resurrected the American Dream." - German Newspaper

"I think the American people did the right thing." -Woman in Egypt

"Now I feel that my belief, my faith in America is my faith in Obama." Woman in Cuba

"We're always searching for a savior, maybe Obama can deliver peace." Palestinian Atist

"Your victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place" - Nelson Mandela to Obama

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