Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Biden Dropping Out of the Race?

I had an interesting conversation at the hair salon today. It went like this...

LiberalOnMyMind: So have you been following the election?
My Stylist: Yeah, kind of. What's wrong with the vice president?
LiberalOnMyMind: What do you mean?
My Stylist: You know, the old guy. I heard he was dropping out of the race.
LiberalOnMyMind: *confused as hell* What?!?! You mean Biden???
My Stylist: Yeah, I guess. I heard he's stepping down as vp and that Obama is going to ask Hillary.
LiberalOnMyMind: *still confused as hell* WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS?
My Stylist: From one of my clients. He was telling me all about it.

Could this be true? I raced home, grabbed my laptop and searched frantically on google for any news on this. And low and behold, I found a Fox News article on it. Of course Fox News would be reporting on this. They're trying to divide the Democratic party I tell myself. Well the article was actually quite interesting.

Apparently there is an Internet rumor making its way on to discussion forums and e-mails that Joe Biden will drop out after his October 2nd debate with Sarah Palin. Many Democratic supporters and strategists are dimissing the rumor. Here is the part of the article I find very interesting...

"Fight the Smears, the Web site the Obama campaign set up to quash damaging Internet rumors. But Fight the Smears hasn’t touched this one, perhaps out of fear that it would only further a wild rumor. The Obama campaign has not commented on it, other than to say that Biden’s medical records will be released soon."

", a site devoted to picking apart online rumors and urban legends, has labeled the status of the claim “undetermined.” Several online discussion boards have been loaded up with denials."

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