Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Will the Real Reason for the Postponement Please Stand Up?

According to CNN, the McCain camp is proposing to the Presidential Debate Commission and the Obama campaign that if there's no bailout deal by Friday, the first presidential debate should take the place of the vice president debate, which is scheduled for next Thursday.

Call me skeptical, but is McCain's camp that worried about Sarah Palin that they are willing to use the economic crisis as the reason to postpone the presidential debate? Of ALL days the McCain campaign could choose to re-schedule the presidential debate, they pick October 2nd, the VP debate?


Anonymous said...

very true ... and very scary that the McCain campaign doesn't seem to want the public to have access to seeing what Palin is really like...

LiberalOnMyMind said...

So after the debate Brian Williams finished talking with Joe Biden and he said that they'd offered for Palin to come on, and McCain's camp declined. Instead, they offered up Giuliani. Is she scared to speak to the press or is the McCain camp scared? Maybe both!

Anonymous said...

Oh good Lord! I can't believe that! I heard them talking to Biden and they mentioned that they would like to hear from Palin. But
I didn't know that the news asked for her and that the campaign tried to bring on Giuliani instead.

Geez she really scares me!

oh btw I found your blog by citizensugar --- I'm kikidawn on there.

LiberalOnMyMind said...

Nice to meet you kikidawn! Thanks so much for checking out my blog. I hope you like it. I've been so wrapped up in the election that I needed to write about it.

Did you catch SNL's spoof of Palin's interview with Couric. I've never laughed sp hard. I'm so excited to watch the VP debate. Although, I do think Palin will do fine. So many people think she'll do horribly that she'll surprise people. Joe Biden, on the other hand, is who I'm worried about. He tends to not think before he speaks. It'll be interesting.


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