Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain Punk'd Us, Says He Suspended Campaign

John McCain announced yesterday that he was suspending his campaign due to the economic crisis. Oh wow, that's great I tell myself.  McCain truly does believe in "Country First." Maybe I got this guy all wrong. 

 *Cue video of John McCain shouting "PSYCHE!" *

Oh man!  I fell for it. He didn't really suspend the campaign.  It turns out you could still donate money on McCain's site and his surrogates were also out on cable networks going after Obama and pushing their cause. Rachel Maddow also says that "there are reports from across the country that McCain tv ads are still on tv." But wait, didn't they say they were withdrawing paid media ads off the air (See 1:30 mark of video below)? The Huffington Post also reports that McCain campaign offices across the country are still "up and running, accepting volunteers, conducting phone banking, literature dropping and other GOTV activities."

You got us good Maverick.

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