Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Winner of Smirking; Obama Winner of Being Agreeable

I just finished watching the debate with my girlfriend. We couldn't decide on who won the debate without being partisan. But if I had to call a winner, I would call it a draw with McCain having the slight edge.

My Thoughts

I felt that Obama held his own, especially on foreign policy, his area of weakness. With that said, Obama overall was too nice and passive. He at times was too cordial and started some of his rebuttals with, "Senator McCain is right." Of course McCain's camp ate this up and already have campaign ad for it.

McCain was aggressive, at times bully-like, and dominated the debate. He brazenly said whatever he wanted, and talked as long as he wanted. Obama kept looking at the moderator Jim Lehrer as if he could help him. McCain was shooting zingers left and right and Obama was letting McCain get away with it. Obama was constantly on the defense, while McCain played offense.

On tone and temperament, Obama was the winner. Obama was calm, cool and collected. McCain's body language was just strange. He didn't ONCE look at Obama during the debate. It's as if he has so much contempt for him that he didn't even want to be on the same stage. He constantly had a smirk on his face whenever Obama was speaking. McCain came off as a grumpy old man that was about to lose it. I swore I saw steam coming out of his ears. He seemed so angry. The pundits say the reason McCain didn't look at Obama is because he hates him. He views Obama as his enemy and find no reason to look at him. He did the same in his debates with Mitt Romney and George W. Bush.

Basically this debate comes down to what kind of president the American people want. Obama who is a "nice guy" and can stay grounded under distress or McCain who is aggressive and will get in your face to get things done?

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