Monday, September 29, 2008

Palin is a Terrific Debater...Say the Democrats?

Two different democratic strategists were on MSNBC this morning speaking highly of Sara Palin's debating skills. According to Politico, Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe even told reporters Saturday that Sarah Palin's a "terrific debater" who could give Joe Biden a run for his money when they meet  for the debate Thursday.

Odd,  did they not see Palin's interviews with Charles Gibson and Katie Couric? Everyone and their moms expect her to bomb Thursday night. Oh ok, I get it now.  Speaking highly of Palin is all part of the democrats' plan. They are "lowering expectations," which Politico says is a "common campaign practice before a debate." They probably don't want a repeat from last week. After McCain's disastrous couple of weeks and the "suspension" of his campaign, everyone expected Obama to blow him out of the water. As we all know, that wasn't the case. Ironically, it's the republicans that are nervous.

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