Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nice to meet you Don Draper

The last well written show I've seen on television was Six Feet Under. I was sad to see it come to an end, especially with the gazillion reality shows flooding the airwaves. There are entertaining shows such as Pushing Daisies and Grey's Anatomy, but they don't have the dark characters and well-written story lines Six Feet Under had. Until now...Thanks to Don Draper and the rest of the staff at Sterling-Cooper, I've finally found a show to be obsessed with again. Mad Men takes place in New York in the early sixties and follows the life of an ad man, Don Draper. The show addresses societal issues we still face today, such as racism, sexism and homophobia. There are some who suggest that the show is misogynistic, which I can see if you watch the first season. But I have faith in the writers to flesh out each character and to hopefully see them grow as a person as time goes on. From the looks of this second season, I was right. Mad Men deserves all the critical-acclaim it's gotten and the Emmy it won was very well deserved.

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