Wednesday, September 24, 2008

(Chicago) Birds of A Feather Flock Together?

John McCain has a new campaign ad out called "Chicago Machine." Guilt by association, that's the new tactic McCain's campaign is trying to use.

The ad starts with the announcer saying, "Barack Obama. Born of the corrupt Chicago political machine." A clip of Obama follows with him saying "In terms of my toughness, look first of all, I come from Chicago." The ad then shows pictures four local politicans (Bill Daley, Emil Jones, Tony Rezko and Rod Blagojevich) and the controversies that are linked to them. The ad ends with the announcer saying, "With friends like that, Obama is not ready to lead."

According to, the ad's implication and many of its supporting details are FALSE.

Well Bill Daley is furious over the ad. He says that "the whole thing is an outright lie," and adds, "A year and a half ago, he [McCain] called me the greatest U.S. commerce secretary ever, at a conference being held at Deer Valley," Daley said. "I certainly thought he was being extreme, but he even voted for my confirmation as U.S. commerce secretary when he was chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee!"

Check out where it exposes more of the lies in the ad.

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