Monday, September 29, 2008

McCain makes Palin Go to "Debate Camp"

October 4th, 2008 is probably the most important event in Sarah Palin's political career. It's the day Palin will debate Joe Biden. Democratic strategists are saying she'll do "terrific." Obama's chief strategist David Axelrod has even said, “She's very skilled and she'll be well-prepared. As you saw at the convention she can be very good. So, I think it would be foolish to assume that this isn’t going to be a really challenging debate. We're preparing for that, on that assumption.” It's well known that Palin's been avoiding the media and many say it's because she's been prepping for the debate. According to WSJ, Palin's leaving late tonight for McCain's home (1 of 8) in Sedona, AZ for last minute cram session for Thursday's debate. Supposedly this was at the urging of McCain himself. One of McCain's top aides, who's part of the team prepping Palin, is calling it "debate camp." I'm assuming she's going to camp due to her not so great performances at some high-profile interviews.

Here are my thoughts on this. Even if Sarah Palin outshines Joe Biden at the debate, this still doesn't make her ready to be the vice president. This just means she's really good at memorizing and reciting. A month of being told what to say by a team of experienced advisors doesn't make you ready to run our country.

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