Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Civil Unions are great, but...

Pro-gay marriage ads are being  shown in California in response to Proposition 8. This got me thinking about gay marriage and civil unions.

There are a lot of people out there who are in favor of civil unions but gay marriage is pushing it. Marriage, for many, is defined as being between a man and a woman and due to religious beliefs they do not want that definition altered. I hate to admit it, but not too long ago I didn't understand why some gays were pushing so hard for gay marriage. I said that as long as civil unions were in place for us I could care less about needing gay marriage. My thoughts were, "Why would you want to marry in a church that have beliefs that include condoning homosexuality?" As long as civil unions afforded us the same rights that married couples get, then sign me up! Well I now see the rainbow light. 

Civil Unions offer only SOME of the same rights of marriage, but not all. Most importantly, civil unions are only recognized on the state level and unfortunately there are only a few states that actually recognize it. Gay marriage isn't just a ceremony and certificate for us, it also allows us legal and economic benefits. 

Here are just a few legal rights gay couples are denied:

-file joint tax returns
-visit a partner or a partner's child in a hospital
-inherit from your partner if she or he doesn't have a valid will
-make medical decisions on a partner's behalf in event of illness
-take bereavement or sick leave to care for a partner or a partner's child
-choose a final resting place for a deceased partner
-obtain wrongful death benefits for a surviving partner and children
-have joint child custody, visitation, adoption and foster care
-determine child custody and support in a divorce
-have a spouse covered under Social Security and Medicare

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