Friday, October 24, 2008

Apparently "Hipsters" Hate Gay Marriage

Radar's Choire Sicha has compiled a collection of ridiculous ads in favor of Proposition 8, a California ballot initiative that would ban same-sex marriage in the state. Can you believe not all "hipsters" are open-minded? Some even advocate discrimination against gays! But you know that's ok because one of their best friends is gay. Here is Sicha's hilarious take on these idiotic ads.

This. Is. Hilarious. And also sad. The ads for Proposition 8, the voter initiative in California that'll undo the state's gay marriages, are out of control. Take the poor blonde in this ad: "You know as well as anyone I love Richard! He's one of my best friends! But just because he's gay doesn't mean I have to support gay marriage!" Then she can't even figure out how to convince her boyfriend and she's all "Just look at the website and you'll understand because everything on it is true!"

Here is another guy with gay friends! But, you know, FUCK THEM! "For me Prop 8 is about the family, and protecting the family, what the family means, and strengthening that." Um... I don't actually know what he means.

This ad is the most idiotic of all. Apparently promoting acceptance of others is just a form of "schoolyard bullying" and intimidation. And don't forget Jesus is about love and please vote to discriminate.

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