Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How could they not know about Gwenn Ifill's Book?!

Many conservatives are questioning the impartiality of Gwenn Ifill (moderator of the VP debate) after news got out that her upcoming book features Obama. Some are even asking her to step down. Jim Geraghty of wrote, " if we needed any further evidence of a jaw-dropping double standard, we have to contemplate the sheer impossibility that someone who wrote a positive biography of [John] McCain being chosen to moderate a debate."

Sure, I understand their concern, especially if McCain's camp claim they didn't know about it. Here's the problem with that, the AP ran a story about the book back in July. Both camps agreed on the debate moderators a month later. How could McCain's camp really not have a clue? Wouldn't you think that both camps would do a little research on the moderators? I easily found out about Ifill's book by doing a quick Web search. Ifill also discussed her book in a Washington Post article from September 4th, yet McCain's camp claim they just found out about the Post article and book Tuesday.

Regardless, is her book really pro-Obama? That's what some conservative media headlines say:

Fox News and Conservative Underground - "VP Debate Moderator Pens Pro-Obama Book "
World Net Daily - "VP Debate Moderator Ifill Releasing Pro-Obama Book"

According to, Ifill's book The Breakthrough: Politic and Race in the Age of Obama "surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians forging a bold new path to political power." She "draws on interviews with power brokers like Senator Obama, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Vernon Jordan, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and many others." This description doesn't really scream pro-Obama to me. Also, Obama isn't even in the debate. Gwen Ifill is a well-respected journalist and conservatives need to give her the benefit of the doubt.

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