Monday, October 6, 2008

This Makes Me Sick

According to Talking Points Memo, after John McCain delivered the central question of his speech today -- "Who is the real Barack Obama?" -- the first, and loudest, supporter seems to yell: "Terrorist!"

I'm not sure if McCain heard the remark, but if you watch the video closely you can see McCain first furrow his brows and then smirk. He doesn't denounce the remark, he just continues on.

The Washington Post also reports that at a Fl0rida event today when Palin brought up Obama's association with Ayers one man shouted , "Kill Him!" Palin also did not denounce this man's remark. It's not clear if the man directed that towards Obama or Ayers, but regardless that type of negativity and talk at campaign events is truly frightening. The fact that McCain and Palin are allowing it is sickening.

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