Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hypocrisy At Its Best: Part II

McCain recently complained about "gotcha journalism" to Katie Couric. What is it exactly? According to McCain, that's when you don't know the context of the conversation and grab a phrase. If McCain's complaining about it, how do you explain his latest ad?

The Huffington Post reports that "McCain is out with a new ad that accuses Barack Obama of making the same claim - "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" - that McCain himself was viciously criticized for just a week ago. " The Obama quote that the McCain campaign is trying to jump on is, wait for it...taken entirely out of context.

Here is the Obama quote used in McCain's ad:

"We've got the long term fundamentals that will really make sure this economy grows."

Here is Obama's actual statement, which suggests exactly the opposite of what McCain alleges: mainly, that he believes the country must repair the economy's long-term structure.

"[We need] a plan that would extend expiring unemployment benefits. For those Americans who have lost their jobs and have been working hard to find a new one, but haven't found one yet. That's part of the change we need. And then after this immediate problem, we've got the long-term fundamentals that will really make sure this economy grows. Change means tax code that doesn't reward the lobbyists who wrote it, but the American workers and small businesses that deserve it. As President I am going to eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-ups."

Here's some advice for the Obama camp, stop using the word "fundamentals."

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