Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joe the Plumber Thinks Obama Will Bring Death to Israel

Just a couple of weeks ago, John McCain was blaming Obama for Joe the Plumber's unwanted media attention. So it's funny that Joe the Plumber was out on the trail on behalf of John McCain today. That's not all. Apparently Joe the Plumber, who's real name is Samuel Wurzelbacher, is now a foreign policy expert. At a McCain rally in Columbus, Wurzelbacher twice agreed "that a vote for Barack Obama is a vote for death to Israel."

A self-identified Jewish senior citizen told Wurzelbacher that he was concerned with Obama's associations and "It's my belief that a vote for Obama is a vote for the death to Israel."

Wurzelbacher responded , "I do know that."

The audience member went on to knock Obama's tax policies and reiterated his Israel comment.

"Well, you know what, I'll actually go ahead and agree with you on that one," Wurzelbacher said.

Of course McCain's aides quickly put out a statement regarding Joe the Plumber's comments and told FOX News that McCain does not share Wurzelbacher's opinion on Obama's view toward Israel.

It's sad and scary that John McCain would have someone like that reprensent him.

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