Monday, October 27, 2008

Palin Ignores the $150,000 Story By Talking About Her Accessories

At the same rally Elisabeth Hasselbeck attended in Tampa yesterday, Palin voluntarily addressed the $150,000 in clothing and accessories that was spent on her by the Republican National Committee.

"This whole thing with the wardrobe, you know I have tried to just ignore it because it is so ridiculous, but I am glad now that Elisabeth brought it up, cause it gives me an opportunity without the filter of the media to get to tell you the whole clothes thing," she said.

"Those clothes, they are not my property. Just like the lighting and the staging and everything else that the RNC purchased, I'm not taking them with me. I am back to wearing my own clothes from my favorite consignment shop in Anchorage, Alaska. You'd think — not that I would even have to address the issue because, as Elisabeth is suggesting, the double standard here it's — gosh, we don't even want to waste our time."

Palin doesn't stop there. She continues on to describe what she's wearing in detail.

"I am glad, though, that she brought up accessories also. Let me tell you a little bit about a couple of accessories, didn't think that we would be talking about it, but my earrings — I see a Native Americans for Palin poster," she said. "These are beaded earrings from Todd's mom who is a Yupik Eskimo up in Alaska, Native American, Native Alaskan.

"And my wedding ring, it's in Todd's pocket, 'cause it hurts sometimes when I shake hands and it gets squished," she continued. "A $35 wedding ring from Hawaii that I bought myself and 'cause I always thought with my ring it's not what it's made of, it's what it represents, and 20 years later, happy to wear it. And then finally the other accessory, you bet I'm a gold — I'm a blue star mom. I'm wearing this in honor of my son who is fighting over in Iraq right now defending all of you."

I have no doubt the media is going to fact check every detail of what she just said. Why in the world would McCain's camp have Palin say all this when the media has already stopped covering the story? Because Palin strayed from the script and ignored McCain's advisors. According to CNN, a senior adviser to McCain told them that the comments about her wardrobe "were not the remarks we sent to her plane this morning." That can't be good.

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