Thursday, October 23, 2008

Douchebag of the Day: The GOP Strategist Outraged That Obama is Taking Campaign Plane to Visit (SICK) Grandma

The Douchebag of the Day award goes to GOP strategist Brad Blakeman for his response to a question about how John McCain could square his opposition to wasteful spending with the RNC spending over $150,000 on clothes and accessories for Palin. Blakeman said that the real outrage is Barack Obama "taking a 767 campaign plane to go visit Grandma." [Sidenote: Obama's grandma, who raised him, is gravely ill.] The GOP strategist continued, "Forget about the energy that is wasted, what about the hundreds of thousands of dollars to take a private trip when this guy should be humping his bags on a commercial plane or taking a smaller plane. Taking a 767 of campaign money from people who could least afford it is more of an outrage in my opinion."

Seriously? Wow. My favorite part of the video is David Schuster laughing at the insensitive tool.

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