Monday, October 20, 2008

This is Just Wrong

According to Christina Bellantoni of The Washington Times, McCain supporters in North Carolina are heckling early voters and calling them cheaters. Why? Because many of the early voters are for Obama.

Obama's campaign has been reaching out to his supporters encouraging them to vote early. After Obama's rally in North Carolina, his campaign gave supporters lists of early voting sites with the hours and locations. Bellantoni and a photographer went to one of the sites and came across protestors who were mainly in support for McCain. I'm not sure if this matters but Bellantoni pointed out that nearly all the protestors were white and nearly all the voters were black. In the video below, one man explains why he's protesting and accuses the voters of cheating.

This news really angers me. Why can't people vote in peace? Everyone has a right in this country to vote they way they choose and to intimidate people at polling places is just wrong.

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