Thursday, October 23, 2008

RNC drops $150,000 on Palin's wardrobe reported that the Republican National Committee has spent over $150,000 on clothes and accessories for Sarah Palin AND her family.

Here is a breakdown in numbers:

$49,425.74 was spent at Saks Fifth Avenue in St.Louis and New York
was spent at Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis
was spent on hair and makeup
was spent at Barney's New York
was spent at Bloomingdale's New York
was spent at Macy's in Minneapolis
was spent at Pacifier (a top-notch baby store)
was spent at Atelier (a high-class store for men)

Check out a slideshow at The Huffington Post. And yes, there is a picture of her 7-yr-old daughter carrying a Louis Vuitton bag.

Now many people are saying that the Liberal media is making a big deal out of nothing and that we need to focus on the economy. Even Campbell Brown, who I admire, is saying that this scrutiny shows a double standard. I do see their point, but this does deserve scrutiny. Why? Because Palin is trying to brand herself as a small town pro-America Hockey Mom/Joe Six-pack/Joe the Plumber. I don't know of any small town hockey mom's shopping at Saks and Neiman Marcus. The McCain/Palin camp has also been attacking Obama for being an elitist. I swear hypocrisy is all I see from the McCain/Palin camp. Isn't it McCain who has 13 cars while Obama has one?! And just last week there was story of how McCain had cell towers put up near one of his EIGHT houses. RNC spending $150,000 on clothing for a vp candidate claiming to be "one of us" is definitely a newsworthy story to me.

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