Wednesday, October 1, 2008

McCain, Maybe You Should Tone it Down in Battleground States

John McCain was campaigning in Des Moines, IA yesterday and met with The Des Moines Register editorial board. When questioned on Sarah Palin's experience, McCain was defensive, combative and condescending.

“Thank you, but I disagree with your fundamental principal that she doesn’t have experience… She has been a mayor, She’s been an overseer of billions, I don’t know how many billions, of dollars of natural resources. She's been a member of the PTA, she's been a governor, she's been a mayor. She's had vast experience on one of the fundamental challenges of America and that's energy. So with due respect, I strongly disagree with your premise that she doesn't have experience and knowledge and background. I fundamentally disagree and I'm proud of her record. And it's not an accident that she's the most popular governor in America. The most popular in America…"

He continues on by listing Palin’s experience and says, “You and I just have a fundamental disagreement and I’m so happy the American people are siding with me.” He was then asked why he thinks they side with him when there seems to be a pretty strong disagreement over whether there are people who are great fans of hers and there are people who don’t feel very comfortable that she doesn’t have a lot of experience in public office, even among very conservative Republicans. have been questioning her experience. McCain condescendingly retorts, “Really? I haven’t detected that. I haven’t detected that in the polls, I haven’t detected that that amongst the base. We get 20,000 people that come to our rallies, so again, I fundamentally disagree. Now if there’s a Georgetown cocktail party person who quote calls them self a conservative and doesn’t like her…good luck, good luck. Fine.”

Just a couple things:
  • So being a member of the PTA should make us feel better about Palin's lack of experience?
  • Apparently McCain's taking ownership of "fundamental/ly." He says the word four different times in this response alone. has more on McCain's feisty-ness with The Des Moines Register editorial board.

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