Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Third Times the Charm for McCain, Too Bad It's Too Late

My girlfriend and I are listening to the analyses of the third and final presidential debate. I actually thought McCain did better than Obama. Not because he was saying persuasive, truthful things, but because he kept Obama on the defense a majority of the time. I felt as though Obama was a little too laid back. He needed to hit back on several things: the negativity of McCain's campaign, Sarah Palin's qualifications, McCain and Palin's own guilt-by-associations, McCain's own hypocrisy, etc. But as my girlfriend and all the pundits are saying, Obama's plan was to stay calm, cool and collected. He wanted McCain to look like the angry one. And according to a few polls that are out, Obama's plan worked. 

A CBS Poll of 638 uncommitted voters: 53% said Obama won.  22% said it went to McCain. 25% saw the debate as a draw.

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