Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"McCannibals" First Victim

Jake Tapper of ABC News reports that allies of Sarah Palin are now trying to throw McCain aide Nicolle Wallace under the proverbial bus.

Palin is blaming the $1500,000 clothes incident on her “handlers,” presumably meaning McCain's senior advisor Nicole Wallace

McCain allies say that Palin allies talked to Fox News' Fred Barnes to further throw Wallace under the bus. Barnes yesterday said, “the person who went and bought the clothes and, as I understand it put the clothes on her credit card, went to Saks and Neiman Marcus...the staffer who did that has been a coward” for not coming forward and accepting the blame for the $150,000 shopping spree. Barnes clarified that he was talking about Wallace.

According to Politico.com Wallace fired back:

There's obviously an organized campaign to lay blame for things at my feet and I’m not going to engage before the campaign ends. I have a very long relationship with Fox News and the notion that someone would call me a coward on the air and accuse me of putting $150,000 on my credit card without a single person calling and checking with me suggests that something is going on.

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