Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain Hates Rats, Palin Loves Them

Last night on her show, Rachel Maddow discussed the trash talking and backstabbing going on in the McCain/Palin Camp. LAT columnist Rosa Brooks likened the McCain Camp to an episode of survivor. Here's her hilarious take on it:

"The republican ticket is sort of degenerating into a really savage version of a reality tv show. Where everyone pretends they’re on the same team but in fact they’re all trying to undermine each other in these subtle ways that are getting less and less subtle…Sarah Palin is just waiting for McCain to get voted off the island so it’ll be her turn. "

Using the same reality show analogy, Brooks points out that the desperation and craziness coming out of the McCain camp "is equivalent to where everyone starts eating rats to survive and the problem for John McCain is he doesn't actually like to eat rats and it shows. He eats a rat and makes these robocalls, he brings up Bill Ayers during the debate and he looks like he's sick to his stomach because it doesn't come naturally. The problem is Sarah Palin loves to eat rats, she's eating more rats, she's saying 'Here John, have another rat.' He gets queasier and quiser and she gets stronger and stronger..."

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