Monday, October 27, 2008

Hasselbeck Screams Sexism, Has a Hard Time Not Being "Sassy"

At a Sarah Palin rally in Tampa yesterday, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, co-host of The View, went after the media for its coverage of the $150,000 in clothing and accessories spent on Palin by the Republican National Committee.

"Instead of the issues, they are focused, fixated on her wardrobe," said Hasselbeck. "Now, with everything going on in the world, seems a bit odd. But let me tell you, this is deliberately sexist."

Hasselbeck then goes on to "clarify" things by talking about Palin's accessories???

"I'm actually personally most impressed by her accessories. You know, like the flag pin that she wears in honor of her son and our military men and women fighting abroad... Now they didn't list that accessory in its value in their reports did they. You know why? Because they know it's priceless."

Warning: This video may cause your blood pressure to rise.

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