Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Toughs Out Rain, McCain Cancels

Barack Obama and John McCain were in a rainy and windy Philadelphia today. John McCain canceled his morning rally in the Philly suburb Quakertown due to the rain. The rain, however, did not stop Obama. He appeared at the Philadelphia rally with Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.

Is this telling of the two campaigns?

An Obama rally attendee said it perfectly:

"Philadelphia Phillies fans waited hours in the rain for the third game of the World Series. McCain either doesn't know much about the people in this area or doesn't have much faith in his supporters."

"The passion and persistence of Obama and the crowd that turned out to hear and see him despite the weather speaks volumes," said McGrady. "It's a telling contrast to the fair-weather attitude of the McCain campaign, which threw in the towel at the first drop of rain." She went on to add that John McCain and Sarah Palin went ahead with an indoor rally today in Hershey, Pennsylvania, which caused McGrady to comment wryly: "$150,000 for clothes and they apparently didn't buy her a raincoat."

McGrady felt the Pennsylvania cancellation was indicative of the entire McCain campaign, adding: "What a washout his campaign has been, in more ways than one."

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